Basic HTTP server using the net/http package. In the realm of net/http servers, a crucial concept involves handlers. These handlers implement http.Handler interface. A common method for creating a handler is to use http.HandlerFunc, applied to functions that have the required signature. Handlers receive a http.ResponseWriter and a http.Request as parameters. The response writer is employed to populate the HTTP response. Handlers can be registered on server routes by the http.HandleFunc function. This function configures the default router in the net/http package and accepts a function as its parameter. To start the http server, ListenAndServe is called with the specified port and handler. Passing nil as a second paramenter indicates using the default router we recently configured.
In this code, the quick_sort function is a recursive implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm. The pivot element is chosen as the first element of the array, and elements are partitioned into two sub-arrays (left and right) based on their relationship to the pivot. The function is then called recursively on the left and right sub-arrays until the entire array is sorted.